About & FAQs

Who am I?

I am Natasha, a designer/illustrator based in Surrey, UK.  I created Tashoes back in 2016, although I have been painting shoes for much longer. I have always loved drawing, painting and making people smile – and this is just one of the ways I can do all of those things in one!

How do I create my shoes?

I start off with a plain canvas shoe (could be white, could be another colour!). After being given an outline of what my customer wants, I sketch out some ideas onto a template, receiving feedback along the way. Once the design is decided, I draw it up onto the canvas shoe using pencil.Then I’m ready to paint! I use ACRYLIC PAINTS mixed with a FABRIC MEDIUM, which ensures that the paint is FLEXIBLE and WATERPROOF on the shoe. After a few licks of paint, the shoes are set using a heat gun. As a finishing touch, my shoes are sprayed with FABRIC PROTECTOR, which keeps the dirt away for that little bit longer!  

Do you take requests?

I certainly do!  Although, please note I do not take on copyrighted work (such as Disney, Marvel etc.). All designs are my own.

If you would like to request a pair, simply head over to the REQUEST A PAIR page and follow the instructions! Or you can visit my FACEBOOK page and send me a message! I will keep you up to date with pictures of progress via Facebook messenger or email.

What shoe sizes can you do?

I can do anything from a CHILD’S SIZE 3 TO AN ADULT’S SIZE 12. That means anyone can enjoy my shoes, from toddlers to adults! Please note I provide a slightly more expensive shoe for a child’s size 11 and above, to ensure the shoes are extra long lasting.

Where do you ship to?

I currently only ship to the UK due to high postage costs. Postage to the UK is £4.00 on top of the price of the shoes.

Do I buy the shoe or do you?

I have stock shoes that I use to paint on, which are included in the overall price. However,  you are more than welcome to request a different canvas shoe for me to paint on. If you have purchased the shoe, I would then charge for the paint job only. If you require me to purchase the shoes, I would need a deposit for the price of the shoes before I begin painting.

How long does it take for you to do a pair of shoes?

This can depend on how busy I am in my daily life, how many other orders I have, design complexity, and shoe size. As Tashoes is not my full-time job, I only have evenings to complete shoes.

It can take anywhere between 3 WEEKS to 2 MONTHS, but I always work extra hard to get them done as quickly and efficiently as possible! If possible PLEASE TRY TO GIVE 2 MONTH’S NOTICE for a requested pair, just to be sure they can be completed in time. I will be able to give you an estimated completion date before I begin painting.

Is the paint waterproof?

The shoes are painted with acrylic paints, which do not come off with water. However I do not recommend wearing the shoes out in the rain or mud as this will naturally dirty the shoes and potentially ruin the design. If you do happen to get your shoes dirty DO NOT USE ANY SOAP PRODUCTS OR WIPES to wash it off as this can take the paint off with it. Simply pat down gently with WATER ONLY. For more information please head over to my SHOE AFTERCARE page.

Do you have any social media sites I can follow you on?

I do! Check out my Facebook and Instagram pages through these links!

Facebook – Tashoes

Instagram – @tashoes.paintedshoes